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TIG225X AC/DC TIG Welder With Pulse

Meet the powerful and versatile TIG225X AC/DC TIG Welder—PrimeWeld's top-selling model! Equipped with everything you need to start welding, it caters to both hobbyists and professionals. Order yours online today at PrimeWeld!

How to Choose Your Torch:

  • CK17 - 12.5ft - 150 amps - Air Cooled
  • CK17 - 25ft - 150 amps -  Air Cooled
  • CK26 - 12.5ft - 200 amps -  Air Cooled
  • CK20 - 12.5ft - 250 amps - Water Cooled
  • CK20 - 25ft - 250 amps -  Water Cooled
  • CK18 - 12.5ft - 400 amps -  Water Cooled

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TIG225X AC/DC TIG Welder With Pulse

Meet the powerful and versatile TIG225X AC/DC TIG Welder—PrimeWeld's top-selling model! Equipped with everything you need to start welding, it caters to both hobbyists and professionals. Order yours online today at PrimeWeld!

How to Choose Your Torch:

  • CK17 - 12.5ft - 150 amps - Air Cooled
  • CK17 - 25ft - 150 amps -  Air Cooled
  • CK26 - 12.5ft - 200 amps -  Air Cooled
  • CK20 - 12.5ft - 250 amps - Water Cooled
  • CK20 - 25ft - 250 amps -  Water Cooled
  • CK18 - 12.5ft - 400 amps -  Water Cooled

In stock Ships today 

CK17 - 12.5ft
CK17 - 25ft
CK26 - 12.5ft
CK20 - 12.5ft
CK20 - 25ft

$869.00 $869.00

  • Overview
  • Features
  • Specifications
  • What’s included
  • How to Use
  • Selector Switches
  • Control Dials

Overview plus

The PrimeWeld TIG225X AC/DC TIG Welder with Pulse is your go-to solution for tackling a wide range of projects. From vehicle bodies to metal furniture and stunning sculptures, this versatile machine elevates your craftsmanship to new heights. Renowned for its stunning weld beads, the TIG process truly excels in showcasing exposed joints like bicycle frames, street rods, water tanks, and fencing. Experience the unmatched precision and artistry of TIG welding today!

Key Features

  • Dual 120/240-Volt Input
  • IGBT Inverter Powered
  • AC/DC TIG & Stick Welding Modes
  • Ready to Weld Out of the Box
  • High-Frequency Arc Start
  • Cold Electrode & Overcurrent Protection
  • Digital Power Display & Built-in Gas Solenoid
  • 2T/4T Torch Trigger & Pulse Controls
  • Flexible Power Choices
  • Cutting-Edge Technology
  • Welding Options for Every Need
  • Effortless Operation
  • Robust Protection Features
  • Enhanced TIG Welding Capabilities
  • Stick Arc Welding Made Easy
  • Convenience at Your Fingertips

Take Your TIG Welding to a Whole New Level of Quality

A pulsed AC/DC TIG welder offers the highest quality control on aluminum, producing beautiful welds. The PrimeWeld TIG225X features a full spectrum of adjustments to tune your arc characteristics. From the power level when striking the arc to Pulse Width Modulation that manages depth and width of penetration, you're able to control every aspect of your machine.

AC Balance Feature Removes Oxidation and Impurities

The AC Balance feature lets you set the length of time spent on each side of the AC cycle, cleaning oxidation from the surface and impurities from the weld puddle. By varying the amount of time the signal is negative or positive, you can change the degree of “stir” in the weld puddle.

Fine Touch and Low Heat for Sheet Metal

DC TIG provides the low-temperature control you need for sheet metal or car bodies. For thicker material, an AC/DC TIG welder making 225 amps can weld 1/2-inch metal. No other welding process out there can match exposed TIG welds’ beauty. It’s the choice method for the open framework joints, such as bicycle frames and metal sculptures.

Stick Mode for Quick Action

Stick mode saves costs on shielding gas when you don’t need that TIG finesse. Flip a switch to make fencing and equipment repairs with DC stick welding up to 180 amps. The TIG225X will make short work of any metal up to 1/2-inch thick.

This machine lasts under rugged real-world conditions, just like every PrimeWeld product. The TIG225X AC/DC Welder with pulse is the best TIG welder for your money in its price range.


Our customer service makes it easy to connect with our team of GENUINE PEOPLE based in the USA, who provide helpful advice and know-how to troubleshoot every PrimeWeld model for optimum performance.

    Features plus

    Specifications plus

    What’s included plus

    How to Use plus

    Selector Switches plus

    Control Dials plus

    See the PrimeWeld TIG225X AC/DC TIG Welder in action.

    Check out this glowing PrimeWeld TIG 225X AC/DC TIG Welder review video from the renowned "The Fabrication Series" on YouTube with over 641K subscribers and counting!

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